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On Saturday 21st October , Hill Group at Little Gearies will be open from 8am to 1pm. This will be to allow contractors to carry out works on Blocks A,C,D and E that will also include scaffolding works. I am afraid these works are unable to be carried out on a weekday. These works will take place every Saturday until further notice.
We apologise for any inconvenience these works may cause and, thank you for your patience during these ongoing works.
If you have any queries or concerns, we can be contacted through our Social Value & Community team on free phone 0800 032 6760 or by email to
Share Construction work on Saturday 9th September 2023 on Facebook
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On Saturday 9th September 2023, Hill Group at Little Gearies will be open from 8am to 1pm. This will be to allow contractors to carry out works on Blocks B/C that will also include street works and hoarding. I am afraid these works are unable to be carried out on a weekday.
We apologise for any inconvenience these works may cause and, thank you for your patience during these ongoing works.
If you have any queries or concerns, we can be contacted through our Social Value & Community team on free phone 0800 032 6760 or by email to
Share Construction work on Saturday 27 May 2023 on Facebook
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Due to broken machinery, progress on construction work was delayed earlier this week. In order to keep the construction project on schedule it will mean the contractor has to work on Saturday 27 May from 8 am to 1 pm.
Thank you for your patience and understanding whilst these essential works are carried out.
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Redbridge council and Hill Partnership held the first coffee morning meeting on 24 May 2023 on the Little Gearies estate.
Thank you to everyone who attended and shared their thoughts about the development project. Below is a summary of the issues that were raised and how we are addressing them with Hill.
Fewer parking spaces on the estate
Residents told us that they are concerned about the reduction in parking spaces on the estate. Unfortunately, due to the nature of the construction work and the limited space on the estate, there will be a loss of some parking spaces whilst the project progresses. We are sorry for the inconvenience that this causes and will continue to work with Hill to ensure as many parking spaces are available whilst construction work progresses. We would encourage residents to, where possible, use available parking spaces in surrounding roads around the Little Gearies estate.
Construction dust across the estate
Some residents have reported an increase of dust on the estate. Hill will be installing dust monitors across construction areas on 31 May which will show the levels in the air around the development. If the levels are above acceptable limits, Hill will take appropriate action to rectify this. Please check back on this site and keep an eye out for newsletters where we will provide an update on the results of the dust monitoring.
Privacy of residents living in existing blocks
Residents who attended the Coffee Morning meetings were keen to know how close the new blocks will be to the existing blocks and where the position of windows for the new blocks are. The distance between the old and new blocks will be between 11 and 14 meters. Windows of the new blocks will be at the same height as the existing blocks on the estate. Please rest assured that the distance between old and new blocks satisfies planning regulations and privacy of residents in existing blocks will not be interrupted.
Storage for bikes
Residents explained that there is a need for storage sheds to place bikes in. Redbridge council will work with Hill to identify possible locations where we can install temporary bike sheds on the estate. Once a location is identified the council will send out a letter informing residents. Please check back on this site and keep and eye an out for letters about this topic.
If you couldn’t make yesterday’s Coffee Morning meeting, please do not worry. We will have coffee mornings every month till the end of the year. Details of the upcoming Coffee Morning meetings can be found on the right-hand side of this page, under the “Key Dates” section. If you have any questions in the meantime, you can contact your Resident Engagement Officer from the council or Resident Liaison officer from Hill using the details under the “Who’s Listening” section.