Seven Kings Community Hub
Welcome to the Seven Kings Community Hub page.
On the right-hand side, you can find documents, a timeline and related projects.
Seven Kings Community & Health Hub will be located at Seven Kings Car Park, as part of a mixed-use development. It will bring together community, council and health services all under one roof. It will also feature a new, state of the art library for local people.
The Seven Kings Hub will serve residents from across the Seven Kings area, including the wards of Seven Kings, Chadwell, Goodmayes, Mayfield and Newbury.
Residents have played a central role in shaping the plans and how the hub will be run, as well as designing the internal layout.
Welcome to the Seven Kings Community Hub page.
On the right-hand side, you can find documents, a timeline and related projects.
Seven Kings Community & Health Hub will be located at Seven Kings Car Park, as part of a mixed-use development. It will bring together community, council and health services all under one roof. It will also feature a new, state of the art library for local people.
The Seven Kings Hub will serve residents from across the Seven Kings area, including the wards of Seven Kings, Chadwell, Goodmayes, Mayfield and Newbury.
Residents have played a central role in shaping the plans and how the hub will be run, as well as designing the internal layout.
Meet Hamza
Share Meet Hamza on Facebook Share Meet Hamza on Twitter Share Meet Hamza on Linkedin Email Meet Hamza linkI am Hamza.
A twenty year old university student.
I have lived in Redbridge my whole life.
In my spare time I enjoy photography and creating content online.
I love helping the community grow and wish to contribute in making our environment a safer and more enjoyable place to live.
Come along to Our Community Gathering on 30th September to see how we can bring our ideas together to create a space for young people to thrive.
If you would like to be a part of my project send in pictures of your 'hang out' places and suggestions using #safehaveninitiative on instagram.
Rehearsals 22/09/21
Share Rehearsals 22/09/21 on Facebook Share Rehearsals 22/09/21 on Twitter Share Rehearsals 22/09/21 on Linkedin Email Rehearsals 22/09/21 linkOur local residents came together to rehearse the issues the want to bring to you on Thursday 30th September 2021
Meet Rakesh!
Share Meet Rakesh! on Facebook Share Meet Rakesh! on Twitter Share Meet Rakesh! on Linkedin Email Meet Rakesh! linkRakesh is a Goodmayes citizen who does a brilliant job at bringing people together and creating spaces that are environmentally friendly.
He was a leading role in the Forest Garden in Valentines Park and has currently put forward a proposal through spacehive for portable pedals power demo kit, which will show people in a fun way how energy is made. This will help educate people how to reduce their power consumption.
You can learn more about what he does and his passion on .
Our Seven Kings Community Gathering
Share Our Seven Kings Community Gathering on Facebook Share Our Seven Kings Community Gathering on Twitter Share Our Seven Kings Community Gathering on Linkedin Email Our Seven Kings Community Gathering link30TH SEPTEMBER 2021 6:30PM-9:00PM THE CLIMATE EMERGENCY CENTRE
706-720 HIGH RD, ILFORD, IG3 8RS
Join us for an evening of meeting your neighbours and community leaders from Seven Kings and the surrounding wards. We will be sharing stories and discussing our vision for our area and projects we want to launch.
The topics raised which will be explored at the event include:
- Littering, cleanliness and fly tipping
- Improving and creating green spaces
- Youth violence and violence against women
- Safe spaces for young people
- Inter-generational projects and sharing skills
- Developing the creativity of local people
- Supporting new parents
- Activities for young children
- Mental health support for parents and young people
(6:30pm arrival, registration and refreshments). Register for your ticket here.
A dish to share!
Share A dish to share! on Facebook Share A dish to share! on Twitter Share A dish to share! on Linkedin Email A dish to share! linkThe Seven Kings community organisers (Dilwara and Shiyara), are excited to tell you about the first community hub in-person-event.
We have been visiting lots of organisations in the area, meeting local people and hearing their stories and thoughts on what could be improved in Seven Kings and the surrounding wards over the last few months.
This has been building on the great work achieved with 35 local people in online workshops where they helped design what the Seven Kings Hub should look like and how can it serve local people across the area. They worked with architects, council officers and other professionals over a period of 12 weeks at the end of 2020.
To show our gratitude for their time, dedication and hard work, we organised a picnic in South Park on Sunday 25th July 2021. People met in person and celebrated what they had created during the online workshops. The South Park Users Group, who do an amazing job at keeping the park clean and preserving the wildlife, helped us set up near the wildlife centre.
Despite the rain and thunder, everyone came together to share food, experiences and subjects that mattered to them, such as green spaces, safety and well-being.
When fellow residents shared their stories of involvement in the community – not only did they inspire others but encouraged people to offer their support and raise awareness of the services available in the area. The event reinforced the sense of togetherness, a key principle for the hub.
People talked about their concerns and gaps they saw in services or activities and were invited to think about ways of addressing them by building trust with other community groups. We talked about the possibility of the Seven Kings team facilitating a community assembly to further develop this.We hope the picnic inspires people to host more of these events that bring people together and foster connections. We will continue to build relationships within the area whilst enabling these occasions and tackling necessary changes together within the community, as together we are stronger!
Seven Kings Hub takes shape
Share Seven Kings Hub takes shape on Facebook Share Seven Kings Hub takes shape on Twitter Share Seven Kings Hub takes shape on Linkedin Email Seven Kings Hub takes shape linkThe residents ‘Seven Kings Hub Design Group’ have been working with Redbridge Council to shape a community hub for Seven Kings, developing proposals for how it should be run and plans for the interior.
The plans include a new large library, GP services and a place where residents can come together to run activities, for Seven Kings, Newbury, Mayfield, Goodmayes and Chadwell.
The Design Group consists of 35 residents from across Seven Kings who were independently selected as representatives for the area. They have been meeting via online workshops since October, looking at how the hub should be run, as well as its detailed design and layout.
An innovative partnership model was proposed, which would see the establishment of community leadership in the hub supported by Redbridge Council and local partners. Activities in the hub would be led by a joint team of residents, community enterprises, health services and charities in collaboration with the council. The proposal go to Cabinet on 11 February for approval and then will be further developed during the year with residents and partner organisations.
Residents sought the views of their friends and neighbours, and built on the work undertaken previously with residents and partner organisations to decide the overall design for the hub. This has resulted in between 600-700 residents shaping the Seven Kings Hub to date.
Photo: Architects image of how the café space could look. Credit to Pollard Thomas Edwards architects.
Apply for the Seven Kings Hub Design Group!
Share Apply for the Seven Kings Hub Design Group! on Facebook Share Apply for the Seven Kings Hub Design Group! on Twitter Share Apply for the Seven Kings Hub Design Group! on Linkedin Email Apply for the Seven Kings Hub Design Group! linkWe are now inviting residents to register their interest in joining the Seven Kings Hub Design Group. The group will be randomly selected to reflect the make-up of the local community by the Sortition Foundation.
The Seven Kings Hub Design Group will work with council, health and charity representatives, designers and wider stakeholders, to shape the Hub and how it runs. It will meet across 13 weekend and evening sessions from the end of October to early January, and residents will be compensated for their time. You can find out more by looking at our letter and accompanying Frequently Asked Questions document.
Getting involved in the group will be hard work but a rewarding experience, and the opportunity to develop new skills and knowledge, and meet others across the Seven Kings area. Registering only takes a couple of minutes, which you can do here.
Signup Banner
Click here to play video Community Gathering Sept 2021 Local people in Seven Kings hosted a community gathering to discuss and tackle local issues.
Click here to play video Youth co-design 2022 Young people from across Seven Kings complete a youth co-design process to feed into the creation of the Seven Kings Community and Health Hub. View a slideshow of photos.
Click here to play video Seven Kings Hub scheme This 'fly-through' looks at the wider scheme of which Seven Kings Hub is a part, from Seven Kings station.
Cabinet Report for Seven Kings (September 2019) (406 KB) (pdf)
Seven Kings Hub Area Asset Map
Seven Kings Hub Design Proposal (April 2020) (2.26 MB) (pdf)
Consultation Activity
Co-Design Group Activity
Seven Kings Co-Design Group meeting (18th November 2019) (436 KB) (pdf)
Seven Kings Co-Design Group meeting agenda (21st October 2019)
Seven Kings Co-Design Group Terms of Reference (21st October 2019)
Seven Kings Co-Design Group design material (21st October 2019)
Seven Kings Co-Design Group meeting notes (11th July 2019)
Seven Kings Hub Look & Feel Document (11th July 2019)
Seven Kings Hub Design Group
Seven King Business Case (December 2020)
Seven Kings Community Vision [Full] (7.23 MB) (pdf)
Seven Kings Community Vision [Summary].pdf (3.39 MB) (pdf)
Community engagement
Seven Kings Community Hub has finished this stageCommunity engagement to identify which activities and services local residents want in their community hub.
Co-design main hub building
Seven Kings Community Hub has finished this stageA group of residents working with the council, other stakeholders and the design team to co-design the hubs, building on community engagement findings.
Submit planning application
Seven Kings Community Hub has finished this stageBuilding design agreed by residents and wider stakeholders, and planning application submitted following public consultation.
Applications for Seven Kings Hub Design Group
Seven Kings Community Hub has finished this stageApplications from residents to be part of the Seven Kings Hub Design Group, a representative group of around 35 local residents selected at random by the Sortition Foundation, to help design the Seven Kings Community Hub to best serve local people across the area.
Seven Kings Hub Design Group workshops
Seven Kings Community Hub has finished this stageA group of residents worked with the council, other stakeholders and the design team to design internal layouts and shape how the building will run and be managed. The online workshops ran from the end of October to January 2021.
Seven Kings Hub proposals to Cabinet
Seven Kings Community Hub has finished this stageRedbridge Cabinet to review the proposals developed with the Seven Kings Hub Design Group and agree to further development of the model and designs.
Seven Kings Hub delivery review
Seven Kings Community Hub is currently at this stageOfficers to review best mechanism for delivering Seven Kings Hub proposals in light of economic challenges.