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Hearing young people's views on mental health stigma

The short survey should take less than 10 minutes to complete, so please do take the time to make your voice heard! The survey will close on Monday 28 August.

If you require support to complete the survey (for example, the survey in another language) or have any questions regarding this consultation, please contact the Redbridge Council engagement inbox:

0% answered


Have you ever been taught about mental health in school?


Who would you look to talk to about your mental health? Please select all of the options that you might be happy talking to. 


Where do you feel most comfortable to talk about how you’re feeling?


What situation do you feel most comfortable talking in?

e.g. no-one will listen or understand me, fear of being bullied, being treated differently, my family/friends discourage it, it's discouraged in my culture or religion.

How important is it to you that schools talk to students about mental health?


Which group of people should be our main focus in our work to help more people understand and learn about mental health?

Please select up to two options