Council Tax currently funds 43p in every £1 of our total spending budget (excluding schools).
The Government expects councils to fund more of their services from local Council Tax.
In 2024/25, the Government allowed councils to raise Council Tax by five percent. This increased the Council Tax for a band D property, which is the average household, by just over £6 per month (made up of a £ 3.65 general increase and a £2.43 Adult Social Care levy increase).
To help fund the rising demands and costs of our valued services to local people and communities, we must consider raising Council Tax next year (2025-26).
The general Council Tax increase limit (excluding the Adult Social Care Levy) is currently three percent for 2025-26, meaning the band D property charge would increase by a further £3.83 per month, or just under £46 per year. This would raise an additional £26.3 million to meet the rising costs and demands for our services. We will still need to identify new savings and additional income to balance our budget.
Please tell us if you support or do not support Redbridge Council increasing Council Tax for 2024-25.
Select one option. You must provide an answer to this question.