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Budget survey 2025/26

Adult Social Care (aged 18-64): Services for people to live independently at home and community services or residential/nursing homes for those with long-term complex needs We provide Learning Disability and Mental Health services to give people suitable and relevant care and support
Children's Social Care: Support for vulnerable children, young people and families, and children in care to ensure their protection. Fostering and adoption places and support for care leavers to find education, training, and housing
Community Services: Helping people get in touch with the council and providing access to advice and support. This includes having places in the borough where residents can access our services
Early Help: • Support for children, young people and families with complex needs through targeted help (e.g. parenting support) and open access to children’s centres and youth hub services • Support for young people involved in or at risk of becoming involved in crime or antisocial behaviour
Education Services: • Supporting nurseries, preschool and childcare settings to ensure quality childcare places so children are ready for school • Working with schools so all children can access a suitable place • Support for children’s needs, including special education needs, disabilities, emotional wellbeing, and behaviour
Environment Services: Enhancing and protecting Redbridge’s natural environment (parks, public rights of way), enabling green energy, protecting our heritage, and supporting flood protection
Highways: •Inspecting, repairing, and maintaining roads and footways, including soft landscaping (grass/trees). Responding to highway emergencies, managing winter gritting and severe weather responses • Developing new roads and active travel options to encourage walking and cycling • Responsible for road safety, working with partners to prevent accidents
Leisure and Culture: • Libraries, parks, sports centres, archives, mobile library service, support for the vulnerable to access services at home, and archive and history projects promoting cultural heritage • Providing access to the internet, business support, community activities, and dementia-friendly libraries; registering births, deaths, marriages, and citizenship ceremonies
Older People Social Care (aged 65+): •Supporting older people to live safely and independently at home (e.g., helping with daily tasks) and providing daycare services to help them enjoy a good quality of life—placements in residential and nursing care homes for people needing more support or end-of-life care
Public Protection: • Services include Trading Standards (tackling scams / promoting trusted traders), helping communities prepare for emergencies like severe weather, and delivering the coroners’ services to investigate unexpected deaths
Care and support for vulnerable adult care £56 million (24p in every £1)
Care and preventative services for vulnerable and disabled children £46 million (20p in every £1)
Waste recycling and disposal £27 million (12p in every £1)
Older persons social care £24 million (10p in every £1)
Public transport (home to school, concessionary fares) £16 million (7p in every £1)
Highways management and maintenance £8 million (3.5p in every £1)

If you had to choose only one of these seven service areas to reduce our spending, which one would it be?

Select one option.

* required

Thinking about our approach to making further savings, do you think we should make large savings to single service areas or lots of smaller savings across lots of service areas?  

Select one option. 

* required
Charge service users for non-statutory services (those services that we do not have a legal requirement to provide)
Reduce statutory services to a core minimum provision (to a level that we legally have to provide)
Work with partners e.g. NHS in a more joined up way to provide more services together
More services be made available online as standard.
Reduce the number of buildings we own
Reduce our workforce

Whilst we have a significant budget gap, we may invest in some specific services while making savings elsewhere because we consider these a higher priority than others.


We want your views on whether such an investment should be made or if alternative options are preferred. Please tell us your preference from the list below:


Please select one option

* required

Council Tax currently funds 43p in every £1 of our total spending budget (excluding schools).

The Government expects councils to fund more of their services from local Council Tax.

In 2024/25, the Government allowed councils  to raise Council Tax by five percent. This increased the Council Tax for a band D property, which is the average household, by just over £6 per month (made up of a £ 3.65 general increase and a £2.43 Adult Social Care levy increase).

To help fund the rising demands and costs of our valued services to local people and communities, we must consider raising Council Tax next year (2025-26).

The general Council Tax increase limit (excluding the Adult Social Care Levy) is currently three percent for 2025-26, meaning the band D property charge would increase by a further £3.83 per month, or just under £46 per year. This would raise an additional £26.3 million to meet the rising costs and demands for our services. We will still need to identify new savings and additional income to balance our budget.

Please tell us if you support or do not support Redbridge Council increasing Council Tax for 2024-25.

Select one option. You must provide an answer to this question.

* required

The Government introduced the Adult Social Care Levy to fund social care for people in light of a growing national funding shortfall due to rising costs and demand.

In recent years, councils like Redbridge, , have been allowed to raise additional money through Council Tax, provided this is spent directly on caring for the most vulnerable adults and older people.

The current Adult Social Care Levy for 2024-25 allowed a further two percent increase in the total Council Tax bill.

For the upcoming 2025/26 period, we are working under the assumption that the two percent increase in the Adult Social Care Levy will the same. On that basis, it would mean an additional £ 2.55 per month, or £30.60 per year, for a band D property charge. This increase would contribute an extra £17.5 million towards the escalating costs and demands for adult social care.

Please tell us if you support or do not support Redbridge Council increasing Council Tax through the Adult Social Care Levy:

Select one option. You must provide an answer to this question.

* required

Which activities could local people support us with to make Redbridge a better place

* required
Cleaner streets in residential areas 
Cleaner streets in town centres 
Cutting the grass verges on the roads 
Fixing potholes 
Helping people recycle
Improvements to parks and green spaces
Introducing further School Streets schemes
Introducing more cycle lanes
More activities for children and young people
More cultural activities for local people
Prosecutions for fly-tipping
Street calming measures (like speedbumps) 
Additional School Places
Adult Social Care and Health facilities
Community Projects
Environmental/Net Zero Projects
Highways and Structures – e.g. Roads and Bridges
Housing Delivery
Leisure and Cultural Facilities
Modernisation and improved utilisation of council offices
School Modernisation Projects

The Shaping our Future initiative, a council-wide transformation programme, is of utmost importance as we collectively identify and establish a new approach to working and delivering services. 

Despite the economic challenges and the high demand for our services, our primary goal remains unchanged. We are committed to delivering quality services to our residents. To achieve this, we need to find new ways to reduce our costs in the future.

Which of these categories should we consider to help us save money and reduce costs?

* required

Please tell us in what capacity you are completing this questionnaire:  

Please select the option that most closely represents how you will be responding to this consultation. Please select one option.

* required

Maximum 255 characters



How did you find out about this consultation? Select one option  

* required

We want to ensure everyone is treated fairly and equally and that no one gets left out. That's why we are asking you these questions. This 

information really helps us to understand how different people could be affected by the budget, but if you would rather not answer any 

of these questions, you don't have to.


It is optional to answer these questions if you are responding on behalf of an organisation.

Are you….? Select one option.


Is your Gender the same as your birth? Select one option.


Are you …? Select one option.


Which of these age groups applies to you? Select one option.


Do you regard yourself as belonging to a particular religion or holding a belief? Select one option.


If you answered ‘Yes’ to the previous question, which of the following applies to you? Please select one option.


Are you a Carer? Select one option.

A Carer is anyone who provides unpaid care for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without their support. Both children and adults can be carers.


Do you consider yourself to be disabled as set out in the Equality Act 2010? Select one option.

The Equality Act 2010 describes a person as disabled if they have a long-standing physical or mental condition that has lasted or is likely to last at least 12 months, and this condition has a substantial adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. People with some conditions (cancer, multiple sclerosis and HIV/AIDS, for example) are considered to be disabled from the point that they are diagnosed.


If you answered ‘Yes’ to the previous question, please tell us the type of impairment that applies to you. 

You may have more than one type of impairment, so please select all that apply. If none of these apply to you, please select ‘Other’ and briefly describe your impairment.


To which of these ethnic groups do you feel you belong? Select one option. (Source 2011 Census)