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Redbridge pulls together for cleaner air

The air pollution problems in Redbridge need no introduction which is why we’re happy to announce positive steps in tackling them.

The We Care For Our Air initiative saw pupils from Woodlands and Barley Lane primary schools hosting Clean Air Play Street events in collaboration with the Neighbourhood Engagement team.

With vehicle emissions particularly damaging to young lungs, the children showed that walking, wheeling and cycling to school is not only healthier but a lot more fun.

You can also take steps to protect yourself with our free Healthy Lung Habits resource pack setting out handy ways of reducing the effects of pollution inside and outside your home.

Councillor Jo Blackman, Cabinet Member for Environment and Sustainability and a huge supporter of the campaign, said: “I’m passionate about providing cleaner air and a safer environment for our residents so it’s amazing to see our youngsters leading the way. 

I’d encourage everyone to download the We Care For Our Air resource pack so they can get involved too. More involvement means cleaner air and a healthier future.”

Download your free Healthy Lung Habits resource pack today. 

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