What does a School Street mean for me?
I am a resident within the School Street zone
If you live within the School Street zone (the red zone on the map) and own a vehicle, you would need to apply for a free vehicle exemption. This would enable you to continue to drive to and from your property when the School Street is in operation. Following the consultation, if the Council decides to move forward with the School Street, residents will be contacted with more details on how to apply for an exemption.
I am a business within the School Street zone
Businesses with vehicles based within the restricted area (the red zone on the map) may also be able to apply for an exemption. Following the consultation, if the Council decides to move forward with the School Street, businesses will be contacted with more details on how to apply for a free exemption.
I am a resident, business or parent outside the School Street Zone
If you live or have a business outside of the School Street zone you will not be able to drive through the zone during the restriction times. You will not be able to apply for a vehicle exemption. Parents are encouraged to consider alternative modes of travel to school, such as public transport, walking or cycling. For those who need to drive to school, you will need to park outside of the School Street zone and walk the remainder of the way to the school gate.
Vehicles can exit the zone at any time as the restriction only applies to vehicles entering the zone.
How do I apply for an exemption?
Residents and businesses that are located within, or have their property vehicle access located within Redbridge School Street zone can apply for a free vehicle exemption from the Council. This will allow you to enter and travel through the School Street zone during the restricted times. Following the consultation, if the Council decides to move forward with the School Street, residents and businesses will be contacted with more details on how to apply for an exemption.
How much will it cost me for an exemption?
Exemptions are free. If you are eligible for an exemption, you will not be charged.
I have a Blue Badge, am I exempted from the School Streets restriction?
If you live within the zone you shall be eligible for an exemption and should apply for a free exemption to avoid a penalty charge notice. Blue badge holders living outside the School Street are not automatically exempted from School Streets restrictions. If your child has a disability an exemption can be arranged through the Council and the School.
What if a child needs to be transported to school in a vehicle for safeguarding and welfare reasons?
Arrangements will be made at each school to ensure that those children having specific travel needs e.g. disabilities or Special Educational Needs, are still able to be safely transported by their parents or carers to school.
Please email schoolstreets@redbridge.gov.uk or write to School Streets Team, 2nd Floor Front, Lynton House, 255-259 High Road, Ilford, IG1 1NY to request such an exemption.
The school will be consulted on these requests.
I have daily health and/or social care visits. How will they be impacted?
Please contact the School Streets Team to discuss your specific requirements, as each case needs to be considered on an individual basis.
Please email the schoolstreets@redbridge.gov.uk or write to School Streets Team, 2nd Floor Front, Lynton House, 255-259 High Road, Ilford, IG1 1NY.
How are School Streets enforced?
The restriction will be indicated by advanced signage and signage at the relevant junctions. It will be enforced by traffic enforcement camera. A Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) will be issued to the owner of any vehicle that breaks the restriction.
When would the School Street zone take effect?
Following the consultation, Redbridge Council will make a decision on whether to proceed or not with the scheme, taking into account the consultation responses. If the scheme moves forward, the School Street zone would be in place in Spring 2025.
All residents and businesses within the restricted areas as well as parents of students would be notified ahead of time.
Why has Goodmayes Primary School been chosen?
Goodmayes Primary School has been selected due to concerns and evidence of congestion and road danger in the area.